Today, July 6, is a very special day. It is National Fried Chicken Day.
Yep, today is the day to eat as much fried chicken as you want.
Fried chicken biscuits. Fried chicken and waffles. A fried chicken sandwich. Fried chicken with mashed potatoes. Fried chicken and collard greens. Fried chicken with macaroni and cheese and cornbread… There is no limit on the amount of fried chicken you’re allowed to eat today.
So today we’re sharing a delightfully mouthwatering recipe for Buttermilk Fried Chicken, courtesy of Elena Rosemond-Hoerr of the Southern food blog Biscuits & Such.
A Southerner through and through, Elena grew up in Durham, NC, spent a bit of time in Baltimore, and finally settled down in Wilmington, NC, a place she describes as “just [her] speed.” According to Elena, “It’s small enough that I see people I know around town every day, and it’s big enough to attract amazing concerts and performances. Plus, we’ve got incredibly beautiful beaches!”
Her Southern cooking style and lifestyle exude the comfort and hospitality we’re all about at Draper James, so we’re pretty darn confident you’re going to fall in love with her Buttermilk Fried Chicken recipe.

Tell us about this recipe for Buttermilk Fried Chicken.
For my son’s first birthday party, I wanted to combine some of his favorite foods. Instead of going with the obvious sweet potato-topped quesadillas, we settled on chicken & waffles. He loves buttermilk fried chicken (who doesn’t?!) and breakfast for dinner is a whole family favorite. The buttermilk fried chicken recipe is actually from my most recent cookbook, The Southern Cast Iron Cookbook, which came out this May.
How do you like to serve this dish?
There is no wrong way to serve fried chicken. I love it served with buttermilk waffles and honey, I love it served cold and eaten on the boat with salt & vinegar chips, I love it fried and dipped in barbecue sauce. I will eat fried chicken anywhere, any time, with anything. It’s a pretty perfect food.
What’s your relationship with Southern food? When did you first start cooking?
I spent as much time as possible on a stool in my grandma’s kitchen, enjoying what she whipped up and soaking in all her kitchen magic. I started to really experiment in the kitchen while I was in college, and shortly after I graduated I started my Southern food blog, Biscuits & Such. I’ve grown so much in the decade since, but I still draw inspiration from those hours spent in my grandma’s kitchen.
Where do you get your inspiration for your recipes?
All over the place! Often I’m inspired by what is available at our farmers’ market. We try to cook and eat with the seasons, so what we can find growing locally has a big impact on what ends up on our table. These days I’m also taking a lot of cues from what I can quickly get on the table while a hungry 1-year-old tries his best to destroy the kitchen. If it’s healthy, simple, and can be made in less than half an hour, it’s on the menu at our house!
What do you think are the most iconic Southern dishes, and why?
One of my favorite classic Southern dishes is pound cake. I love the simplicity of it- a pound of sugar, a pound of butter, a pound of flour. And more than that I love the way your whole house smells while you’re baking pound cake. My grandma used to make me a pound cake (among other desserts) for my birthday every year. As delicious as pound cake is fresh, it’s just as wonderful sliced and toasted the next day, served with cottage cheese, ice cream, or a pat of butter.
What’s your favorite “Southernism”?
I am 100% in camp “bless your heart.” Has there ever been a better expression? It’s equal parts affectionate and sarcastic, which is how I like to live my life.
Biscuit & Such’s Recipe for Buttermilk Fried Chicken
2 cups buttermilk
1 tbsp red pepper flakes
1 tbsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp sea salt
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
8-10 mixed bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts and thighs
To fry:
3 cups all purpose flour
1 tbsp red pepper flakes
1 tbsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp sea salt
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
4 eggs
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 cups bread crumbs
1/4 cup yellow stone ground grits
Peanut oil for frying
In a large bowl mix together all ingredients for marinade. Add chicken to bowl, cover, and refrigerate overnight.
On a counter accessible to your stove top line up three bowls. In the first bowl combine half of the flour and spices. In the second bowl, whisk together eggs and apple cider vinegar. In the third bowl, combine remaining flour, spices, and bread crumbs.
Heat 1” oil to 375 degrees F in a large, heavy bottom skillet.
Pat chicken dry and dredge first in flour mixture, then in egg mixture, and finally in the breadcrumb mixture.
Add chicken to the hot oil and fry. White meat pieces should be fried 4-5 minutes/side and dark meat pieces should be friend 5-7 minutes/side.
Allow to cool on a rack for 5 minutes before serving.
Happy National Fried Chicken Day! Don’t forget to check out Elena’s book, The Southern Cast Iron Cookbook.