The best way to ring in a new year is with confidence, hope, and excitement. That’s why we make resolutions every year, right?
Resolutions can be small (like vowing to drink more water) or they can be on a grander scale (like volunteering more and making it to the gym every single day). Either way, they’re a good way to start the new year on a good foot.
With that in mind, we asked the Draper James team to share what they’re hoping to do in the coming year. Read their resolutions below, and have a happy new year!

Kathryn Sukey: EVP, Design
“Be a weekend tourist: Snap out of the family weekend routine and discover new things in and around our city!”
Twila Brown: General Manager of Retail Stores
“My New Year’s resolution is to choose and recognize joy each day.”
Helen Nightingale: Director of E-Commerce
“I pledge to send more birthday cards and drink more champagne!”
Rachel Dreyer: E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Associate
“Cook more! I order in WAY too often, and I want to do less of that. Cooking at home is healthier–both for me and my wallet!”
Pam Frawley: Art Director
“To spend A LOT less time on my phone ☺”
Lydia Mansel: Social Media Director
“I want to read more in 2019 than I did in 2018. Ideally, I’d like to read 52 books this year–one per week.”
Emma Wesel: Marketing Coordinator
” My New Year’s resolution is to become a more confident cook.”
Kerry Baker: Director of Wholesale
“To spend more time playing on the floor with my son, and to cherish every moment of his baby days because it’s true what ‘they’ say, time really does fly!”
Whitney Mills: Financial Analyst
“More handwritten notes! While e-mail and texting is easy, I love getting a handwritten note in the mail. I want to send at least a few personalized notes a month to friends and family. “
Taylor Rettig: CEO
“Resolve to take time each week to pay it forward by doing something nice for a stranger.”
Sarah Morse: EVP, Product and Business Development
“Take up yoga! I need more Zen in my life.”